5 Things to Do While Your Home is Shown to Buyers

Verani Realty

Family at the moviesSelling your home? Then you know that at any moment you may have to change your normal routine and prepare the house for your real estate agent to show to a potential buyer.  But after the cleaning, vacuuming and decluttering is done, what do you do next?

Your real estate agent probably told you that hanging around the house is not ideal for showings. Buyers feel more comfortable looking at a home without the owner watching them look. So, if you want the showing to be the best it can be, you should take the entire family and go someplace else for the next hour or two.

But where will you go? How disruptive will this be? There are a few things you can do to limit the disruption and even make it fun.

Here are a few tips:

  1. Make a plan for dinnertime. Many times a showing is requested to take place when you would normally be prepping for dinner. Have a plan to put several options in place that still get the family fed and happy. Get pizza, pack a picnic with subs from the local sandwich shop and make the dinner fun, or plan ahead with crock pot meals or pre-prepared casseroles you make and freeze for quick heat-up meals when you get back. With an action plan in place you are more likely to allow showings with little notice because dinner can still happen with ease.

  2. Take some time to de-stress. Go for a walk in the park, or go see a movie. Do something fun that occupies at least one hour of your time.

  3. Get errands done. Head to the mall to get those new boots or a department store for some packing tape and boxes that you will need. Use the time to get tasks on your to-do list accomplished.

  4. Meet up with friends. Whether it’s a play date that includes parents or meeting a friend to catch up over some coffee, use the time to connect with people who make you laugh and forget about the stress of selling.

  5. Treat yourself. If money and scheduling allows, splurge on a fun experience, whether that’s hitting the spa, going to a top-notch museum, or doing something unique like an escape room. Go do that thing you’ve wanted to do, but put off because you never seem to find the time.

Allowing your agent to show your home without you present can increase your chances of getting a great offer from buyers.  Many buyers have trouble envisioning a house as their own, so if the seller is there and doing their daily routine, it is nearly impossible. With some flexibility, you can find fun find ways to occupy your time while helping your home be sold faster.

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