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There is so much to do in Massachusetts if you visit at the right moment! Especially now that we are finally welcoming back fair season. 

While many festivals and fairs have been postponed, due to the COVID-19 outbreak. There are still some in-person events to help you plan your next fair visit, we have compiled a list of fairs and things that you need to know: 

King Richard’s Faire 

Where: 235 Main Street, Carver, MA 

When: Sept. 4-Oct. 24, 2021 

Tickets: $37 for adults, $18 for kids 

More information: https://kingrichardsfaire.net/ 

The Big E 

Where: West Springfield 

When: September 17 -October 3, 2021 

Tickets: None 

More information: https://www.thebige.com/ 

North Easton Harvest and Craft Fair 2021 

Where: Route 138 and Main Street, North Easton, MA 

When: October 3, 2021 

Tickets: $5/person 

More information: https://www.nrtofeaston.org/harvest--craft-fair.html 

Salem Haunted Happenings 2021 

Where: Salem, MA 

When: October 1-31, 2021 

Tickets: None 

More information: https://www.hauntedhappenings.org/

Nantucket Island Fair 

Where: West Springfield 

When: October 2-3, 2021 

Tickets: $12 before and $15 during the fair. 

More information: NANTUCKET ISLAND FAIR - Menu of Fall Fun Activities 

Sandwich Halloween Festival 2021 

Where: Heritage Museums & Gardens, 67 Grove Street Sandwich, MA When: October 22-23, 2021 

Tickets: $5 per person ($25 limit for families),2 and under free 

More information: https://heritagemuseumsandgardens.org/sandwich-halloween-festival/ 

Topsfield Fair 

Where: West Springfield 

When: October 1-11, 2021 

Tickets: $15 per car and $5 for pedestrians and bikers. 

More information: NANTUCKET ISLAND FAIR - Menu of Fall Fun Activities 

Massachusetts residents commemorate their history and heritage throughout the year. It's a beautiful place to enjoy your stay, to go forth in search of fun, inspiration, and adventure. Which Massachusetts fair is your favorite? Plan your next fair visit in Massachusetts now! 

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