These first-time home buyer tips can make owning a new home a reality

Verani Realty

first time home buyer nhFew things can be as exhilarating as the prospect of first-time home ownership. After all, the idea of putting down roots in a place of your very own is one of the hallmarks of the white-picket-fence American Dream. As exciting as this journey can be, it can also get complicated and overwhelming quite fast if these are unchartered waters for you. Knowing some first-time home buyer tips can help you quickly come up to speed so you can find that first new home of your dreams.

Get financially “fit”

One of the most essential first time home buyer tips is to make sure your finances are in the best shape possible. Your credit score and your debt history will soon be squarely under a microscope so it’s important to get your financial house in order – ideally well before you search for a new one. The better you look on paper, the better your chances will be down the road when it finally comes time to make an offer.

Know what you can afford

Another great first time home buyer tip is to make an appointment to talk with a reputable financial lender right out of the gate – before you even begin your search. A lender will help you better understand what price range you will be able to truly afford, what a reasonable down payment may look like, and most importantly – if the stars align – they’ll be able to arm you with a pre-approval letter, a valuable document that will demonstrate to a potential seller that you’ve taken the important step to get pre-qualified. Especially as a first-time buyer, showing your financial “readiness” will only help to create that coveted favorable first impression.

Be flexible

As a first-time home buyer, it’s important to have a checklist of what you’re looking for: the non-negotiables as well as things you’re willing to bend a bit on. Remember that there’s no such thing as a perfect home and even if you hone in on one that you like, but it lacks a particular feature you had your heart set on, perhaps it’s something that can be tabled for the future. If you go into the process with an open mind, flexibility, and are realistic about what types of homes you can afford, you’ll be better positioned spot the right deal when it comes along.

Find an experienced realtor to stand by your side

Of course above all else, the most essential first time home buyer tip is to align yourself with your most important ally of all: a licensed and knowledgeable real estate professional. They are your most important resource – and guardian angel – who will be by your side from Day 1, from your initial home search, right until moving day. They’ll help you navigate the entire process, answer questions, help you avoid potential landmines, assist with negotiations, and help you sort through some of the guesswork like the hidden fees associated with a transaction, such as home inspections and closing costs. Their knowledge is invaluable, especially to the first time home buyer.

Buying a new home for the very first time can be a wonderful rite of passage and cause for great celebration. By arming yourself with these important first time home buyer tips, the process can move forward with ease and be made all the more seamless. Now let’s get started!

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