How to Make Selling Your Home Easier

Verani Realty

Couple shaking hands with real estate agentYou may have heard that today’s real estate market is a “seller’s market” and that homes are selling quickly - even those in need of updates. Can you assume your house will be snatched up, making for a fast and smooth sale?  

Assuming anything when it comes to real estate is probably not a good idea. It is best to take action to assure your home appeals to buyers, you are well informed of the facts, and that you’re doing what you can to make sure the process goes smoothly. With the right preparation, buyers (and their offers!) will come.

Here are some ways to make selling your home a smooth process:

  • Work with a qualified real estate professional who knows how to market your property. Make sure your real estate professional works for an agency that supports agent training and has a strong, respected reputation in your market. Also, choose an agent who embraces technology, which can make communication, and therefore your home selling process, faster and less stressful.

  • Don’t overlook curb appeal. Homebuyers make quick judgments based on first impressions. Your home’s exterior is what they first see when they drive by to look at the house before they agree to see the inside. Curb appeal still matters, even in a seller’s market.

  • Declutter wherever possible. Preparing your home for each showing can be time consuming and stressful when you have a lot of stuff. If you remove clutter, each room in your home feels as large, bright and airy as possible. For example, sell or donate items you no longer use regularly, and store away large pieces of furniture that make rooms feel smaller. Decluttering makes it easier to clean and quickly be prepared for a showing.

  • Price your house correctly. Don’t insist on an asking price that is well above market value. Buyers and their agents know what your home is really worth. They even may be willing to pay more, but not if you demand it from the start. Save yourself the anxiety and frustration of showings that generate little interest and no offers to buy simply because your home is overpriced.

  • Get a home inspection done before you put your home on the market. Inspections are stressful. What unexpected issues will be uncovered and become a selling obstacle? Once you accept an offer on your home, that buyer will order a home inspection. It is better to have done one yourself, learn about any issues or repairs needed, and address them before buyers are involved.

The more steps you take to anticipate potential roadblocks or challenges to selling your house, the better your chances for a successful, easy sale. Always ask your real estate professional for advice about how to best price and show your home. Agents have the experience, know the current market conditions for your neighborhood, and understand what buyers are looking for.

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