Is Your Kitchen Making You Hungry?

Verani Realty

new modern kitchenHave you ever wondered if your kitchen actually makes you want to eat more? You are not alone.

Many people want kitchens that are open concept, open shelving, offer comfy, upholstered banquettes, and drawers that practically close by themselves. It is what every designer is promoting as the "hot" must-have kitchen of your dreams. If you drank that designer-made Kool-Aid and are ready to expand your kitchen to a ridiculous level of space and luxury, you might want to consider what this renovation could do to your waistline.

Take a look at nutritionist Dr. Brian Wansink's book, Slim by Design, and you will learn that often how our kitchen is designed—like having a larger-than-average refrigerator, for example–can actually make us keep more food on hand.

Dr. Wansink is the director of the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University, and he contends that eating habits are more influenced by a person's surroundings than by appetite, and the latest in luxury kitchen comforts are the biggest reason many people over-eat.

The fact is, the more food options that are readily available, the more likely something is to catch your eye and become your next unexpected tasty treat.

So what can you do to design a kitchen to add more to your space, but not to your waist?

Here are a few design tips:

  1. Make your kitchen less comfortable. That’s right; the more comfortable you are there, the more you will hang out in the kitchen and the more likely you are to nibble just for the sake of nibbling. This means those cushioned booths are a trend you may want to forego. Opt for wooden chair seating that you won't lounge in for hours.
  2. Keep TVs and computers in a separate space–not where you will just sit and possibly eat for extended periods of time.
  3. Make sure seating does not face more food choices. Design your storage so you can put all pastry and special treats in a place where you don't see them every time you walk into the room. They are a treat, not an everyday snack!
  4. In terms of design, think about space for chopping those fresh veggies. Clutter tends to make us take the faster, easier, and often less healthy path to getting dinner on the plate.

Your kitchen is a place where your family will gather, so you want it to be comfortable—just not so comfy so that you never want to leave it. Storage should be used for more than hiding clutter, cooking tools, and gadgets. It should prevent visual temptations of sweet or fatty foods out on display. Make your new kitchen a place that supports a healthy eating habits and a healthier lifestyle.

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