NH Realtor "Check" List

Verani Realty

nh realtor listWe’ve been doing a lot of talking lately about finding the right realtor when you’re ready to purchase property in New Hampshire. It’s imperative. And, in large part, people don’t know where to turn. In the spirit of that and not leaving your investment to chance, here’s a checklist for the fridge when seeking your New Hampshire realtor:


General points of emphasis: 

Is the NH realtor licensed?


Anybody can claim they’re able to navigate the real estate market, but that doesn’t really lend itself to a successful sale or purchase of a property. Go with a pro. Go with someone who is actively licensed and up on the current market trends.


Does the NH realtor work in your desired geographic?


This is highly important to note. New Hampshire, though a smaller state, still covers a lot of ground, and boasts a lot of unique areas of interest. Making sure your realtor knows your exact area of interest is going to pay dividends.


From the buyer vantage point:


Does the NH realtor have good references, or any references at all?


References equal transactions. Positive references equal a good experience along with a desired outcome. If the NH “realtor” you’re conversing with doesn’t have any references at all, ask them why. If they have no answers, queue up the red flag.


Is the NH realtor flexible and available to meet when you need them?


You could probably slide this one, and the aforementioned item, into the general category. Communication and flexibility to meet and be shown properties is key to finding what you’re after. Property sells pretty quick depending on the area you’re looking in, and if there’s no flexibility from your realtor, you might miss out on the chance at throwing an offer into the mix.


Does the NH realtor have knowledge of the New Hampshire home buying legal process?


There are a lot of different forms and processes and formal “hoops” you need to jump through when going through the different stages of property acquisition. To that, every state has different requirements, which, in this case, stems back to the importance of having a New Hampshire licensed realtor in your court. Without knowledgeable guidance and expertise, these pieces of the equation can be a bit daunting.


Does the NH realtor offer closing and other property binding services?


This falls in line with the above bullet. Closing and binding documents can come in the form of a packet containing hundreds of pages. For the general purchaser, most of this language can be tedious and confusing. You need a licensed NH realtor to help you navigate these items and be onsite when the actual closing takes place. Be sure this is part of the agreement before you choose your representation.


From the seller vantage point:


Does the NH realtor have an internet marketing strategy?


There are a lot of NH based realtors that have been in the industry for decades. While the references are likely to come in in great quantity, you need to make sure your realtor has a keen understanding of the digital realm pertaining to the real estate marketplace. It’s where most buyers go first. If there’s no digital plan to the marketing strategy, you may be missing out on immeasurable opportunities.


What sort of tangible collateral does the NH realtor create?


People still appreciate the takeaway piece. Brochures, one-sheets, rack cards, and the like are materials that a prospective buyer will be on the lookout for, especially if they’re doing their own legwork and driving through towns and communities they’re targeted as their landing destination. You want to be sure your home – your realtor – has something they can easily grab and add to the pile of possibilities.


Does the NH realtor use a professional photographer to gather photos of your property, or do they utilize their phone?


You’ve seen the difference. Unprofessional photos can lead to a depreciation of the property or, at the very least, will turn off some buyers who are looking for a sharp, great looking property at the first impression level. Blurry photos, or photos showcasing low light situations can greatly take away from your property, again limiting potential opportunity.


Does the NH realtor have a vast pool of peer realtors?


This is an important question to ask. Having people to show to increases the potential for bids/offers on your property. If your NH based realtor has a deep peer saturated network to market to, the potential added traffic to your property will grow exponentially. Good relationships should stem outside of the realtor to client partnership – they should be known and well respected within the industry as well, showcasing them as a well-rounded professional.


Does the NH realtor have any sales statistics they can showcase?


This is important. Stats mean sales have occurred. The better the stats, the better your chances of getting maximized value for your property. You can learn a lot from these materials such as average sales cycles and successful navigation of market values. If a realtor doesn’t have the fire to build out their own, sales driven portfolio to showcase, it could be showing a sign of discordant passiveness as it pertains to their work. If that’s the case, do you really think they’re willing to go above and beyond for you and your property?

In parting, the last takeaway to consider when checking off all the boxes on your prospective NH realtor checklist, ask yourself this: Do you like this person? Are they easy to communicate with and spend alongside? Real estate transactions aren’t flash-in-the-pan engagements. Its investment in time. If you’re not sure you like a realtor, you might be best served to interview another candidate.


Why not make one of those potential candidates us! Verani Realty has a vast pool of licensed, friendly professionals who listen to your needs, exercise your requests, and put a proven plan in place to put you on a path to a successful real estate transaction, whether you’re buying or selling a residential or commercial property here in New Hampshire.


Contact us today and feel free to ask us anything! When you’re ready to go, we’re ready to show you around. Learn more about choosing one of our real estate agents to help you buy, or sell/list, a home in New Hampshire state.

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