Reasons to Buy Real Estate in New England

Verani Realty

Reasons to Buy Real Estate in New England

new england real estateWith its four distinctive seasons, regional foods, wide array of property types and vastly different landscapes, New England has become a home buyer hot spot. Whether you’re looking for city/urban living or a more of a rustic lifestyle in the mountains, New England real estate offers it all. With all the diversity that New England imparts, it’s been a popular area for home buyers to put down roots.

If you’re considering buying real estate in New England but not 100% convinced yet, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve accumulated a list of the best things about living in New England and we’re certain we’ll win you over. Don’t believe us? Keep reading, you’re about to see why New England is a wicked awesome place to live!

Oh The Places You Will Go!

One of the best things, if not the best thing, about having real estate in New England is that, no matter what state you call home, you’re not far from the others. No other region of the country is as easy to travel around than New England. With New England states being on the smaller side and in close proximity to one another, you can visit every state in the same day. It sounds crazy and it is a commitment, but it has been done before – and with good reason! Imagine starting your day in southern Maine eating some clam chowdah or a beloved lobster roll, hopping in the car and driving west to the stunning mountains of New Hampshire and Vermont. Then popping down south to the farmlands of Massachusetts and through the cities of Connecticut, then east to the picturesque coastline of Rhode Island. What a day that would be!

History Galore

Have you ever heard the saying “they don’t build them like they used to?” Well, we can’t say that’s true about New England real estate. The towns and homes in this region are known for their history, charm and character. It’s not uncommon to find centuries-old architecture on corners all throughout New England – homes, restaurants, and hotels in this region all have their own story to tell. Some real estate in New England dates back to the 18th century and you can find Revolutionary War battlefields scattered throughout the region.

One of the nation’s most historical cities can be found in New England – Boston, Massachusetts. Looking at the city now, with its sky scrapers, bustling city life, delicious restaurants and countless shops, you’d be surprised to find how much history still lies within this city. However, Boston is a historical hub and every nook and cranny is exploding with history ready to be explored. It’s one thing to read about history in books, it’s another to live amongst it. New England offers a unique and well-preserved window into some of our country’s most impactful past.

Diverse Landscapes and Home

Although the states in this region are close together, they could not be more different new england real estatewhen it comes to landscapes. If you find yourself gravitating more towards the beach, Rhode Island or the coast of Maine might be the perfect fit for you. With miles of coastline, the freshest seafood, and endless outdoor activities, beautiful beach bungalows and cape cod style houses are all the rage in these states.

If you thrive more inland, then New Hampshire or Vermont might catch your eye. The two most mountainous states in the region offer a mixture of both urban living in their main cities and rural living in small towns and mountainous areas. Both states are known for their outdoor activities in every season. People flock from all around to utilize the mountains in the winter for skiing and snowboarding, the hiking trails in the spring, the beautiful lakes in the summer for boating and water activities, and the stunning and serene views of the foliage in the fall. Another draw to New Hampshire or Vermont is their well sought-after architecture – classic New England real estate lives in these states. From grand colonial homes with character behind every door to draw-dropping Victorian homes with intricate detailing, there is something for everyone.

New England real estate also ranges from classic historical properties to new construction and modern. It might come as a surprise since we’re so proud of our historical charm, but that doesn’t mean we’re living in the past by any means – we’re just wicked good at preserving it. New England real estate has a lot of modern and contemporary properties to choose from as well – with clean lines and upscale amenities it’s a modern lover’s dream!

Local Amenities

New England real estate is such a hot commodity not only because of all the reasons we’ve listed so far, but because of what you can get right in your backyard. All throughout New England you will find countless farmlands sprinkled about, which means you can get some of the freshest local foods. Foods such as strawberries, apples, rhubarb, squash, asparagus, herbs, goat cheese and corn are some popular produce to the region.

If you decide to plant your roots more in the wilderness of New England you may see some wildlife right in your backyard. Moose, bears, deer and bobcats inhabit a large area of New England and are incredible to see in their natural habitat. New England is also an amazing place to watch the migration paths of different species of birds. Thousands of birds every year find their own real estate in New England and stay for the majority of the year, until they migrate south for the winter months. From small hummingbirds to massive bald eagles and everything in between, you’re sure to spot these New England native birds. 

Another local amenity, if you live in New Hampshire, is a financial one – there is no sales tax! That pesky sales tax, making a simple item even more expensive, no longer applies. New Hampshire has the best prices in the Northeast.


New England is one of the most beautiful regions in the country and with it comes may unique benefits that exceed what we’ve listed above. Buying real estate in New England is desired now more than ever, from families looking to put down roots to individuals in search of a new adventure, there’s something for everyone.

If you’re thinking about making the move and want to discuss the different areas and communities throughout New England, contact Verani Realty today! We’re happy to help you find the right home, in the right location at the right price. You can start your New England real estate search by visiting

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