Signs it is the Right Time to Sell Your Home

Verani Realty

You keep dreaming of the day when you will sell your home and make enough to upgrade to the house of your dreams. Maybe it is a new location or more luxury that fuels your fire to move someday – but that someday might actually be now.

How can you know for sure? How do you find the courage to make the leap? Look for some sure signs that the time to sell is now. Here are a few:

  • A similar house sold for a good price. The neighbors down the street, with a similar home in size, bedrooms and amenities, sold their property for an impressive price. If your house sold similarly, you would be very happy and all set to buy exactly what you are dreaming of. Take this as your cue to contact a real estate professional and see what your home is worth.

  • There are not enough bedrooms for your growing family. Maybe your kids are fighting because they do not make great roomies. Maybe there is another little bundle of joy on the way. Requiring more bedrooms and personal space is often a solid reason to put up the for sale sign.

  • Interest rates are still very low. There are supposed to be rate hikes in the coming year, but right now, interest rates are attracting buyers into the market – which is great if you are a seller. It also will help you when you go to buy that next home!

  • You have been watching the market strengthen for months now. An increasing price per square foot and decreasing days that a property stays on the market are trends that indicate it’s a good time to list your home.

  • You dislike the school system where you live. Maybe you didn’t have kids when you bought, or they were babies and toddlers, so it was too soon to think about how well the high school ranks against others. But, as your kids get older, the quality of their education is part of the equation of deciding when and where to move.

  • You can’t stop thinking about the perfect home a few streets away. Timing is everything, and perhaps you have found a new property or would love to buy into a popular development. With housing contracts that close in a few months, don’t miss your chance. List your home with a real estate professional and get your offer in.

Deciding to sell is an important, exciting, and sometimes stressful decision. Talk to your real estate professional and learn more about the market in your area, how long homes are taking to sell and what your home is worth. Your decision should be based on proper timing as well as facts as you move forward.

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