Tackling DIY Projects Can Pay Off Big Time

toolsHow do you get the most value from a home improvement project? You do it yourself.

You probably know of several projects that homeowners can do to increase the value of their home. HGTV has made many of us feel we can grab a hammer and work wonders with our home improvement ideas.  Did you also know that you could actually cut the cost of a project by 50 percent if you do the work yourself?

That adds up to sweat equity, and it is well worth the work, providing you have the skills to get the job done. Keep in mind that DYI homeowners should stay clear of tackling improvements that would pose a safety issue or require specific skills –ones that actually make it worth the price of a hiring a contractor to do it right. Major exterior improvements, such as replacing roofing and siding, are a great example of what not to do by yourself.

There are plenty of upgrades the average homeowner can take on, complete successfully, and save a ton of money in the process.

If you need some instruction before you get started, you can find tutorials on product manufacturer’s websites. Also, many of the big home improvement stores offer workshops where you can see firsthand the necessary steps to complete a project.

Here are a few projects to consider according to the National Association of REALTORS:

  • New steel entry door : You must understand how installation should work, so definitely watch a tutorial (or two) and familiarize yourself with how to make things plumb, level, and square.
  • New garage door: Though the panels to the new door are lightweight, they are large and awkward to handle alone. This is a two person job.
  • New hardwood flooring: For the DIY enthusiast, installing hardwood flooring is a bit labor intensive, but the techniques are fairly easy to master. Once you get the hang of it, installing prefinished hardwood flooring typically goes smoothly – even for the novice DIY homeowner.
  • Upgrading attic insulation: This is a (messy) low-skill project that most DIYers can pull off. Upgrading an under-insulated attic space can save you up to 50% per year in energy costs.
  • Kitchen cabinet refinishing: There are complete kits you can buy to help you get the job done right or ask the paint specialist at the home improvement store for product advice. Definitely take the time to watch a few tutorials to make sure you don’t miss a step. Take note that most homeowners can complete this project in a weekend – with impressive results.

DIY projects are the ultimate money-saving way to improve your home, increase its value, and bring you the ultimate in homeowner satisfaction. You’ll gain pride and enjoyment from creating a better home environment and you will be learning new, valuable skills in the process–all while saving money.

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