Things Homebuyers Wish They Knew Before They Moved In

Verani Realty

question mark made of houses“Hindsight is 20/20” is a saying that some homebuyers may strongly agree with, especially after moving into their new home and discovering a few unexpected surprises. From noisy neighbors to restrictions on future renovations, it pays to know the details before you buy.

You need to think about what may impact your enjoyment of the home. Here are six examples of what homebuyers wished they had known about before they chose to buy:

  • The home is located in a historic district and there are rules to abide by - Historic district rules can vary depending on the municipality, but they typically include things like limiting the allowable renovations – basically not allowing full replacement of anything that would change the historic architecture or design of the home.

  • If previous owners died in the house – Disclosing any deaths that happened in the home may not be required by law because it depends on your state. But if this is something you would rather learn before you buy, you should ask.

  • How the neighbors behave - It is wise to check out the neighborhood yourself, at different times of day and weekdays as well as weekends. You can also ask the sellers about the neighborhood and even take the time to speak to a few of the neighbors. One trick is to contact the local police to see if there are any noise complaints or neighborhood disputes on record.

  • The age of all the major systems and appliances – Remember to ask your home inspector to provide a general timeframe of the maintenance that will be needed and a typical number of years left before replacement is likely required.

  • Whether or not maintenance and repairs were done correctly – Repairs and upkeep may have been done, but were they completed by a professional? Ask to see receipts for anything major that was repaired or replaced (like a roof or electrical rewiring, for example). Look for signs that the homeowner did upgrades as a weekend DYI project.

  • Structural issues – Your home inspection should uncover if the home has cracks in the foundation or mold growing in the attic, but sometimes issues are hidden or not obvious. Be very cautious if your home inspection report is vague when it comes to the structural integrity of the home. It is wise to attend the home inspection and ask questions throughout the entire process to gain more knowledge than the written report will provide.

The best defense against learning something unpleasant about a home after you move in is to investigate the neighborhood yourself before you place an offer, have a thorough home inspection done, and ask the inspector to explain everything in detail that could be a major concern.

There are things that the seller may not disclose to the buyer unless they specifically ask. Ask your Realtor if you have any concerns or questions that remain unanswered.

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