Elegant Exterior Holiday Decor Tips for Selling your New England Home

Verani Realty
outdoor holiday décor for your new england home

The holiday season is upon us! Amidst the chaos and uncertainty of the global pandemic, we could all use some holiday cheer now more than ever. While many of us may not be able to visit with extended family in person this year, some extra twinkling lights, shiny ornaments, and the smell of peppermint and cinnamon in the air will help to lift our spirits. For this blog, we wanted to include some tips on how to make your New England home’s exterior festive, yet elegant to bring some holiday cheer to neighbors, and potential buyers alike. 

Keep it Classy

We love that some homeowners are going over the top this year with outdoor holiday decor, covering their entire front yard with blowup santa displays, festively fun knick knacks and light spectaclesthese homes are sure to bring extra joy and awe to children and families who need it this year! However, if your home is on the market during the holidays, the decorations shouldn’t be the main focus but should serve the purpose of highlighting and accentuating the best qualities of your home. For example, highlight the architecture of your New England home with classic white lights, including along the dormered roofs. Place an elegant wreath on your door to highlight the entry way and enhance curb appeal. Avoid any blow up displays, quote signs or multi-colored or flashing lights. 

Keep it Seasonal 

Although your household may celebrate a certain holiday or tradition, you’ll want to opt for more seasonal decor in order to make your home feel open and inviting to all potential buyers. Garnish the exterior of your home, such as the entryway or walkway, with an evergreen wreath, pinecones, berries or gold or red ribbon. Remember not to over do it in order to keep your exterior looking clean and classic. 

Keep it Functioning 

For any type of decor you do put up, make sure it is in tiptop shape. If you hang lights, make sure that every bulb is working properly and replace any that aren’t. Leave any decor that looks worn or damaged in storage.

Looking to buy a new home, no matter what season of life you’re in, can be overwhelming. In order to navigate the process and find the home that best suits your needs, go to Verani.com to find one of our knowledgeable and friendly Realtors near you.

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