Deciding Where to Live? Your Full Comparison List Between New Hampshire and Massachusetts

Verani Realty

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New Hampshire and Massachusetts are close in proximity, but differ greatly in a lot of ways. If you’re thinking of relocating to New England or just having a hard time deciding between the two states, we’re here to help! Although we’re a little biased to both states, as they’re both very amazing, we promise to give you a full and complete pro and cons list of New Hampshire versus Massachusetts, so you can decide which state fits your lifestyle more. We’ll kick it off with New Hampshire, so read on!


Pros to Living in New Hampshire:

 ma vs nh real estate

  1. Uniquely its own: New Hampshire is unlike any other state in New England, the variety of natural scenery can’t be found elsewhere. The small state of NH is home to a variety of lakes, the White Mountains, forest lands, and the seacoast. No matter the season, you can find something to do outside, the options are seemingly endless. 
  2. Sales tax? What’s that?: One of the four states in the entire country that provides the benefit of NO sales tax, the others being Oregon, Montana, and Delaware. So you see a price tag that says something is $10.99, guess what you’re paying at the register? You guessed it, $10.99 - no extra tax, no extra math before the purchase. 
  3. Safe for the family: New Hampshire is consistently in the “Top 10 Safest States in America” list by US News making it an amazing place to live and raise a family. Another added bonus, New Hampshire is surrounded by Vermont, Maine, and Massachusetts, who are also on the Top 10 list. 
  4. Employment for everyone: New Hampshire has several companies with a significant presence in the state, including Oracle, Fidelity, UPS, BEA and Coca-Cola. With competitive wages and benefits, it makes for a great state for employment. Also, New Hampshire has a very low unemployment rate, so chances of getting a job for any level seems promising. 
  5. Excellent Education: New Hampshire is home to some of the best educational institutions in the country, such as Dartmouth and Philips Exeter Academy. 


Cons to Living in New Hampshire:


  1. Harsh Winters: Winters in New Hampshire can be unforgiving, piling snow on the ground that can last for months at a time. Bad driving conditions and business closings are common during these times, but the towns are well equipped to deal with blizzards, plows on the roads at all hours. 
  2. Mainly Quiet Living: If you’re living outside of the cities it can seem like the nightlife is non-existent. For some this is not a problem, and is actually a welcomed idea. However if you’re looking for some more city action, the rural areas may not be for you.
  3. Property Taxes: Remember the no sales tax thing? Great yes, however the state government needs to make money somehow. Property tax seems to take the grunt of the extra cost, so it’s higher than surrounding states. But again, you pay less at the register and NH also does not have an income tax, so you take home more in each paycheck. 
  4. Summer Hot Spot: As we mentioned, New Hampshire has a lot of amazing local scenery and amenities in the lakes, mountains, and the ocean. Well that also means high traffic levels in the summer months from tourists coming in to enjoy it as well. Once you’re a resident, you learn quickly what times to avoid the highways and roads so you can avoid the heavy traffic. 


Pros to Living in Massachusetts:

 ma vs nh real estate

  1. Top Notch Education: Not only do they have great public school systems it’s also home to some of the most prestigious Universities in the country. Harvard University, Boston University, Boston College, MIT, and Tufts University are just a few. 
  2. Jobs Galore: Massachusetts has the largest percentage of the New England region’s labor force. Some of the top industries in Massachusetts is education, health, and technology. The state is ranked 7th overall in “Best States for Job Opportunities”.
  3. Unified by sports: It’s a well known fact that Boston sports fans are some of the most loyal, dedicated, and die-hard fans in the country. Being a Boston sports fan makes you automatically feel like you’re part of one big family. 
  4. Steeped in history: Massachusetts is one of the first locations the pilgrims settled and hosted the arrival of the Mayflower in 1620. Boston, one of the oldest cities in the country, is ranked among the top historical places in the US. So if history is your thing, Massachusetts will reel you right in. 
  5. Beach Spots: Massachusetts is home to some of the most picturesque beach towns in New England. In the summer months you can find a piece of paradise along the shores of Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, or Nantucket. 


Cons to Living in Massachusetts:


  1. Lack of space: Massachusetts is the 7th smallest state in the country based off land space, making living a little tight. With over 7 million residents, it’s the 3rd most densely populated state in the nation. So if you want wide open spaces, MA may not be for you. 
  2. Brake lights for miles: MA interstates are notorious for traffic jams, especially in and around the city of Boston. Thankfully the state has an extensive amount of public transportation, such as trains, buses, and the subway system to help ease the hassle of travel. 
  3. Expensive: Unfortunately the state is expensive, with education, healthcare, and housing being some of the highest ticket items in Massachusetts. U.S. News ranked it 47th out of 50 for overall affordability, and 46th for affordable cost of living. 
  4. Harsh Winters: Like New Hampshire, Massachusetts also experiences fairly brutal winter months. With snow lining the streets, it can affect travel, businesses, and public transportation. Be sure to own a big winter jacket before moving here, you’ll need it!


I know, it’s a lot to take in right now, but we hope we gave you a good amount of information to think about. When it comes to living in Massachusetts vs New Hampshire, there is no clear winner. Both states offer their own unique pros and cons, and having experienced both, the pros do outweigh the cons. It’s all up to what fits your lifestyle, needs, and goals best. 


If you’re looking to dive deeper into New Hampshire or Massachusetts real estate, reach out to a Verani Realty agent today, your trusted real estate agent for the entire state of NH and MA. Or visit to take a look at available properties today!

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