3 Staging Tips for Selling Your Home During the Holidays

Verani Realty
home staging during the holidays

3 Staging Tips for Selling Your Home During the Holidays 

Selling your home during the holidays can be a challenging task as the real estate market starts to cool down along with the weather. The good news, though, is that holiday season home shoppers are some of the most serious and determined buyers out there.

In order to entice these prospective buyers during the holiday season, you need to make sure your home is tastefully staged; there’s a fine line between cheery and inviting and cluttered and chaotic. To help guide you, we’ve come up with the following staging tips for selling your home during the holidays:

  1. Less Is More

Believe it or not, the more simplistic you can be when it comes to decorating your home during the holidays, the better. Too many decorations will make the space feel cluttered and much smaller. Simple, however, doesn’t have to mean boring. Instead, simplicity forces you to be more intentional with the space. Declutter and clean like you normally would for a staging. Then,  instead of having the entire Christmas village collection out or all of the greeting cards hung on the wall, opt for subtle but effective touches, such as a bowl of pinecones on the table and seasonal dish towels and peppermint-scented soaps in the kitchen and washrooms. 

  1. Depersonalize the Decor

A common misconception sellers have is that keeping family photos and mementos out during the staging process will make the home feel more welcoming and inviting to prospective buyers. However, in reality, the opposite is true. As cute as Baby’s First Christmas and little Johnny’s kindergarten paper mache tree project may be, you’ll want to store away personalized decor in order to appeal to all types of buyers. Remember, buyers are analyzing and critiquing your home. If they feel put off by the homemade knick knacks or can’t relate to how you have styled the space, they may feel deterred and think the space couldn’t possibly work for their own household’s style and needs. Keep the decor generic so your home can be an empty canvas that prospective buyers can picture painting the next phase of their lives on. 

  1. Create the Cozy Vibes

Just because we have advised you to keep it simple and to depersonalize your decor, does not mean your home has to feel like the Grinch just moved in! There are still plenty of simple but effective touches you can add to your staged home to make it feel warm and cozy for the holidays. Hang a beautiful wreath on the door, wrap a garland around the staircase and keep the tree up with simple twinkle lights and a couple simplistic, color-coordinating ornaments. Leave a pot of apple cider simmering on the stove or some fresh baked cookies in the oven to fill the home with delicious seasonal scents. Drape a thick, cozy red or white throw blanket on the couch with two seasonal pillows. These simple touches can go a long way, just remember not to get too carried away! 

If you are thinking about putting your home on the market this holiday season, be sure to visit Verani.com to find an agent near you. We’re always happy to answer any questions you may have no matter what stage of the process you’re in!

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