What's Up This Weekend | May 23rd

Verani Realty

We’re in the midst of some very trying and unprecedented times, with events and regular entertainment on hold for the foreseeable future. A lot of people are taking extra precaution and staying in - but we’re all going a little stir crazy. With very restricted travel regulations, you might not have the ability to fulfill your urge to travel to new places. What if I told you you can see some of the most beautiful places right from your home? Well, you totally can - keep reading to see where you can go this weekend! 

  1. Acadia National Park in Maine here
  2. Arches National Park in Utah here
  3. Big Bend National Park in Texas here
  4. Channel Island National Park in California here
  5. Death Valley National Park in California here
  6. Dry Tortugas National Park in Florida here
  7. Everglades National Park in Florida here
  8. Glacier National Park in Montana here
  9. The Grand Canyon in Arizona here
  10. Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park in Hawaii here
  11. Joshua Tree National Park in California here
  12. Redwood National and State Park in California here
  13. Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming here

Hopefully these virtual adventures help you take a break from the everyday routine. Although we can’t explore these amazing places right now, we know we will in the future. Better days lie ahead.

Being at home for an extended period of time can feel a little overwhelming and boring, but the actions we’re taking today will help bring us a better tomorrow.  Here at Verani Realty, we are invested in making your home dreams come true, so if you’re in the market for a new sanctuary, we can help! Visit Verani.com for more information, besides, admiring some homes for sale in NH and MA can be done from inside too! 

We hope everyone is staying healthy and safe during this time. We’re here if you need us!

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